Polish Register of Shipping in Ukraine
is an independent expert company operating on the international market.
PRS assists – by formulation, survey and issuing respective documents – state administrations, insurers and customers to ensure the safety of people, vessels and floating installations, on-shore facilities, cargoes and the environment.

The name of Polish Register of Shipping may imply that their operations are solely connected with the ship industry and shipping. This is not the case, although the survey of ship construction and service is an important traditional area of PRS activities.

Over the period of more than 80 years, PRS has gained an enormous capital of knowledge and experience which allow for rendering a wide scope of services, including those having nothing to do with shipping. PRS competences and services are depicted herein.

Polish Register of Shipping is a classification institution operating as public interest institution. The profit made by PRS is entirely used for the development of safety standards

Polish Register of Shipping is:

  • A member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS),
  • An Organization approved by the European Union to perform surveys and inspections of sea-going ships,
  • A Classification Institution approved by the European Commission to perform surveys and inspections of inland waterways vessels,
  • An Organization authorized by maritime administrations of Poland and tens of other countries to act on their behalf,
  • A body notified by the European Union (entry No. 1463),
  • An accredited body for the certification management systems.

PRS is a certified body in respect of:

  • IACS Quality System Certification Scheme,
  • AQAP,
  • ISO 9001,
  • OHSAS 18001.

    PRS also holds:

  • Industrial Security Certificate confirming the ability to protect classified information marked as: „CONFIDENTIAL", „NATO CONFIDENTIAL", "EU CONFIDENTIAL",
  • Inspection Body Accreditation Certificate,
  • Accreditation Certificate for Products Certification Body,
  • Accreditation Certificate for Management Systems Certification Body,
  • EMAS Verifier Certificate,
  • Accreditation Certificate of Verifier performing activities in the field of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Why is PRS worth being chosen?

Another asset of PRS, in addition to the great expertise and experience, is also the fact that PRS has never been a behemoth striving for maximum profit. That is why each customer receives the 'personal touch' as well as reasonable, competitive prices compared to the rival companies.

We strive to be an optimum choice for the prospective customers and reliable partner in rendering specialist services which meet the customer's expectations in respect of quality, environmental protection and technical reliability.

PRS performs classification and/or statutory surveys of:
  • sea-going ships, including naval ships and special craft,
  • inland waterways vessels,
  • sea-going yachts,
  • motor boats,
  • floating docks,
  • mobile off-shore drilling unit
  • submersibles.
PRS also issues and approves the documents which are:

  • required for the carriage of grain,
  • required for the carriage of dangerous and noxious goods,
  • concerning cargo stowage and securing,
  • concerning crew spaces.

PRS conducts direct and indirect surveys.

Direct survey:

  • confirmation of conformity with specified requirements (PRS Rules, Standards, etc.) completed with the issue of PRS Certificate, e.g. PRS Certificate for machinery, electrical equipment, control/ automatic systems.
Indirect survey is performed by:

  • Mutual Recognition Type Approval; issue of such certificate makes possible installation of the product considered onboard ships classed by another IACS Societies
PRS may also undertake the survey of existing floating objects and those under construction, modification, reconstruction or repair which are not subject to the regulatory requirements.
Polish Register of Shipping sertifies recruitment and placement services (crewing companies) according to the requirements of Maritime Labour Convention.
Since 1991, Polish Register of Shipping renders – by its Industrial Supervision Division – services of construction contract management as well as supervision of construction sites and construction works, repair and modernization works for technical infrastructure of onshore, offshore, inland waterways, and marine facilities, such as:

  • buildings, structures, industrial facilities,
  • environmental engineering facilities,
  • motorways, roads, streets, bridges,
  • hydrotechnical facilities,
  • booster and control stations, intermediate pumping stations, industrial plants, transmission systems for such energy carriers as gas, crude oil and oil products and for municipal media,
  • steelworks of: pylons, masts, tanks, platforms, ship superstructures,
  • facilities for energy production or facilities for mining energy resources, particularly off-shore ones, such as man-made islands and drilling units,
  • and others.
We conduct accredited certification for compliance with:
  • ISO 9001 – quality management systems,
  • ISO 14001 – environmental management systems,
  • PN-N-18001 and OHSAS 18001 – occupational health and safety management systems,
  • ISO 22000 – food safety management systems,
  • ISO/IEC 27001 – information security management systems,
  • ISO 3834 – quality requirements for fusion welding.

    We also conduct non-accredited certification for compliance with:

  • ISO 50001 – energy management systems,
  • EN 15224 – quality management systems for health care services,
  • ISO 13485 – quality management systems for medical products,
  • ISO/TS 16949 – quality management system for motor industry,
  • ISO 37120 – sustainable development of communities - indicators for city services and quality of life,
  • and audits for conformity with regulations on personal data protection.
Verification of the Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is performed under separate accreditation No. PL-V-0006 granted by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. Within this accreditation we perform audits in the field of waste management.

We conduct external audit of recyclers and waste holders issuing confirmation documents for packaging waste recycling or recovery as well as audits of electronic and electrical equipment recovery organization and treatment plant operators.

We also provide audits of management systems confirming compliance with the criteria of end-of-waste status.

Our certificates are recognised worldwide.

Basing on our many years of experience and knowledge of international standards in management system certification, we also run relevant training courses.

Product certification and conformity assessment with EU directives have been conducted by PRS since Poland's accession to the EU in 2004.

We are a body notified by the European Commission (entry No. 1463) and this is the base on which we perform product assessment for compliance with the EU directives:

  • on marine equipment - MED,
  • on recreational crafts - RCD,
  • on personal protective equipment - PPE,
  • on pressure equipment - PED,
  • on simple pressure vessels - SPVD,
  • on electromagnetic compatibility - EMC.

    We also certify machinery and safety components for compliance with the requirements of relevant standards harmonised with directive on machinery (MAD) and electric products for their conformity with directive on low voltage equipment (LVD) and we also assess products for compliance with directive on general product safety (GPS).

    Certification of welders covers qualification of personnel welding inseparable metal joints according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024:2012.
Certification of factory production control in accordance with EU Regulation No. 305/2011 on construction products upon the European Commission notification.

Good manufacturing practices certification is performed to verify the compliance with ISO 22716 standard.

Verification of annual reports on greenhouse gas emission and assessment of monitoring plans and verification of annual reports on maritime transport greenhouse gas emissions are performed by PRS as an accredited verifier performing activities in the field of GHG emissions (accreditation No. PL- VG-0013).

Testing of products that are subject to the assessment of conformity with the EU directives takes place in our own Testing Laboratory. Laboratory is accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 standard – accreditation No. AB 1431.

We also provide wide range of product testing services for customers like producers, importers and other persons introducing products on the EU market as well as for other notified bodies.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
PRS surveyors and researchers, who are well experienced in solving scientific problems of ship structure safety, develop tools to analyse and simulate the structural strength of floating objects, ship behaviour in waves, and the performance of equipment, which may affect safety.

We are ready to check the structural strength parameters for bulk carriers and oil tankers in accordance with Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers. The software developed in PRS includes preliminary calculations (Prescriptive), checking zone strength criteria, local strength criteria, fatigue life and buckling strength using the results obtained by FEM calculations and the calculations of ultimate load capacity.

We perform specialist simulations of the behaviour of installations in waves, sloshing in tanks, in damaged cargo holds, and also on deck.
We share our knowledge and experience with our maritime business clients. For our in-house surveyors, we run a regular training scheme to continually upgrade their competencies and regularly update their knowledge of the latest binding regulations. Based on this extensive training experience, we provide open training courses in various areas of the society's specialisation.
+38 067 975 19 31
Gretska square
Odessa, Ukraine
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